In the past year or two, as I have explained In numerous posts, I have come to have a relationship with the god/divinity/Buddha/child of the universe within me and have found that that practice is integral to my Buddhist practice (see my post, "Buddhism and the Divine"). That relationship has strengthened my faith and opened up the path to humility for me. So beyond embracing the past, present, and future, I now have faith that things are the way they are because it's meant to be, it's all ok. And having turned my will and my life over to the care of the god/child of the universe within me, I say "your will, not my mind's." This is all done with humility and enhances that feeling.
As I have written, being in that space, I invite my child of the universe to be my subconscious and so fill me with abundance and light, faith and strength, humility and freedom from fear, and joy so that I radiate light, am a light unto myself and others, and so create a force-field around me that my ego-mind, mara, and the devil cannot penetrate. When I am in this space, which thankfully is most of the time now, the knowledge that I have everything I need inside myself to be at peace and happy Is strong. Regardless what my circumstances may be - materially, physically, personally I know that if I maintain my practice, I will be at peace and happy. Nothing can disturb that.