When I woke up Wednesday morning and did my morning meditation/prayer, I realized as I recited my mantras that all the spiritual work I'd been doing had been training me for this moment. Here are the 4 pillars upon which I have rested my peace of mind.
1, There's a line in an ancient Chinese poem that says, "When faith and mind are not separate, and not separate are mind and faith, this is beyond all words, all thought." It is truly all about faith and humility.
2. And what is that faith and humility? It is the knowledge that things are the way they are because it's just the way it is; it is meant to be and it's all ok. Things are not in my control. There is a cosmic reason/force for everything, although to ask “why” is usually a fruitless endeavor.
And so I choose to be one with the universe/god/Buddha, one with the child of the universe within me; invite them into my subconscious, to be my subconscious. And so see myself and the world around me through the eyes of my unwounded, pre-trauma heart – we are all born with the god/Buddha-essence inside us – full of positive energy and joy, the neutrality of my senses, free of worries and concerns, full of faith and strength.
3. I focus on eternity, not the here and now. I focus on maintaining peace within myself and my soul; I have everything I need within myself to be at peace and happy. And so I rejoice in the universe/god/Buddha and am happy. I sing and am happy. I am awake and am happy. I am grateful and am happy. I am filled with wonder and am happy. I know that things are the way they are because it's just the way it is, and am happy. I am humble and am happy. I forgive myself and am happy. I have faith and am happy.
4. There is nothing more important to me than my relationship with the universe/god/Buddha.
And so the results of the election are not at the forefront of my mind. And I have removed all media from my presence so that I am not confronted with its endless chatter regarding the election. I did not even look at the computer Wednesday morning when I got up to find out what had happened. When I got to work, I just asked a colleague whether it was over.
The one thing spiritual teaching tells us we have control over is how we we react/respond to the experiences we encounter in life. It is stated perhaps most succinctly in the well-known Serenity Prayer: "Lord, grant me the serenity to understand the things i cannot change (which is the way my life is right now at this moment) and the serenity to just be; and the courage to change the things i can (which is how I relate to myself, others, and you: the thoughts I think, the words I speak, and the actions I take). Note: the parentheticals are my interpretation.
May you experience peace and happiness.