Many, thinking that they themselves are the source of their strength, double down to conquer the challenge and regain their strength. But if man does not look outside himself for support, he will usually not regain his feeling of strength. He may feel his ego is strong, he may in fact be imperious, but his ego is in fact weak and so he remains weak.
And so the only way for man to feel strong and secure in this hostile, ever-changing, world is to connect with and have faith in higher power, the Buddha/god/child of the universe within him. It's not that man does not have to make an effort, but he cannot do it alone.
And amazingly he doesn't even have to conquer the new challenge in order to feel strong again. If he connects with the divinity within him, and turns his will and his life over to its care, saying, "Your will not my mind's," he will be at peace and happy regardless of the situation he finds himself in.
Man did not use to think that he, as an independent agent, could be the master of himself. He may have been taught the wrong impression of what God is—the Old Testament God is dead—but he nevertheless knew that there was a force greater than him, greater than his mind, that played a part in his life.
We now know that God is not some white-haired father figure floating in the universe that directs people's lives and the fate of the world, but rather that god, the essence of divinity, is within each of us. We are born with that essence—or call it Buddha nature, or the child of the universe—within us.
This whole blog is about reconnecting with your heart, with that essence, the person you were when you were born, and so achieve peace and happiness regardless what happens in your life.