To see things through your heart is to be filled with positive energy and joy, the neutrality of your senses: the equanimity of your third eye, free of worries and concerns, full of faith and strength,
When you see things through your mind, you cannot experience any of these things. The mind is never neutral; it is never free of worries and concerns; and it never has faith or strength. What may appear to you to be positive energy is really a more manic type of energy in pursuing your mind's guidance. And what may appear to you like joy, is also more manic in nature, there's a nervousness to it. And what you feel as strength is really bluster or bravado, because the mind is almost always insecure.
So how do you put yourself in the wonderful space of seeing things through your heart, not your mind? To do this you must free yourself from the control of your mind and surrender your ego to your true Buddha nature. For the mind is the source of our fears and anxieties, not the actuality of our life and world. See my posts, "How to Free Yourself from the Control of Your Ego-Mind," and "Turning You Will Over to Your True Buddha Nature." Also watch my video series, "Coming Home."
This is certainly a huge challenge and it's not unusual for people to find the process scary because their mind is the only thing they've known and depended on their whole life. But the good news is that it can be done. The choice is indeed yours.
Imagine if you could go through life, seeing yourself and the world around you as it is, which is different from your feelings and perceptions, and thus without worries or concerns, full of faith and strength.
Try it, you'll like it. May you experience peace and happiness.