It is important to note that the prayer I'm talking about is not traditional prayer, which is to some force outside us; as I have explained before, I am not referring to the Judeo-Christian God, asking Him to make something happen. There is no force in the universe which is a master puppeteer. Instead, my prayer is to the Buddha nature, the divinity, or child or the universe within me. I am choosing to ask for its guidance and help rather than my ego-mind's. (See my post "Buddhism and the Divine.")
This is a riff on the saying, "The lord helps those who help themselves," meaning that by choosing to be one with the divinity within you, your child of the universe, your Buddha nature, you are helping yourself by choosing to put yourself in a place where nothing pushes your buttons and you are in the flow of the universe and thus ready to receive its bounty.
Every morning, I recite several prayers when I get up and during my meditation to focus me on what I need to do to live my life well, which is to experience peace and happiness, and radiate light. I am providing them to you as an example of prayers you can develop for yourself.
Mirror Prayer (said while looking in the mirror and smiling at my reflection first thing in the morning)
Good morning! I love you!
I rejoice in you, Lord, and am happy.
I sing and am happy..
I am awake and am happy.
I am grateful and am happy.
I am filled with wonder and am happy.
I know that things are the way they are because it's just the way it is, it is meant to be; it's all ok, and am happy.
I am humble and am happy
I forgive myself and am happy.
Thank you lord, I love you lord, I need you lord, I have faith in you lord.
Subconscious Prayer
Lord, I am so grateful that I am not alone, that you are here with me now.
I invite your into my subconscious, be my subconscious,
Filling me with abundance and light, faith and strength, freedom from fear, humility,
So that I radiate light and am a light unto myself and others,
Creating a forcefield around me which my ego-mind, mara, and the devil cannot penetrate.
Thank you lord, I love you lord, I need you lord, I have faith in you lord.
Courage Prayer
Lord, grant me the courage to
Live my life on a higher plane, experiencing all things with dispassion, free of emotion and fear.
To be free of cravings and attachments.
To love myself unconditionally, to know that you love me, to like myself, to forgive myself, to know that I am somebody without the acknowledgment of others.
To be strong, finding my strength in my faith in you, freeing myself from the weakness of my ego-mind.
To be aware of how my actions and words impact others, not causing them suffering.
To live my life's values.
To manifest financial abundance, good fortune, and financial security, and to know that I am deserving of that.
To know that things are the way they are because it's just the way it is; it's meant to be; it's all ok.
To be humble,
To turn my will and my life over to your care; to surrender my ego to your care.
To free myself from the conceit "I am" and instead say "your will, not my ego-mind's,"
To see myself and the world around me through the eyes of the child of the universe within me: full of positive energy and joy, the neutrality of my senses - the equanimity of my 3rd eye, free of worries, concerns, and fears, full of faith and strength.
To seek your guidance every moment of every day, to listen for your guidance, hear your guidance and follow your guidance.
Thank you lord, I love you lord, I need you lord, I have faith in you lord.
Natural State Prayer
Lord, please lead me away from my ego-mind's world of darkness, fear and anxiety, doubt and confusion, guilt and shame, back to my natural state of light, love, faith, trust, compassion, humility, gratefulness, joy, contentment, courage, strength, and wisdom.
By reciting these prayers, I am lifted to a place where i feel whole, at peace, happy, well, and safe. And I continue that state by focusing on my intent throughout the day, often reciting the subconscious prayer.