The peace and happiness that is your birthright. As explained in my post, "Peace and Happiness Is Your Birthright," we were all born with the true Buddha nature inside us and peace and happiness is an essential part of that nature.
The fact that you may seldom have experienced true peace and happiness is the result of your being in the control of your mind and its emotions, judgments, cravings, and attachments. That is the source of your samsara, your suffering, Not your true self.
Think of it. Your natural state is peace and happiness, yet you have seldom experienced that state because of the activity of your mind! What better reason is there to free yourself from the control of your mind. See my post, "How to Free Yourself from the Control of Your Mind. "
Once you realize that peace and happiness is your natural state and undertake the exercises that free yourself from the control of your mind, you will be aware when the mind asserts itself and be able to say, "No," to your mind, embracing it, embracing your inner child, and provide guidance from your heart. Thus stopping your emotions from carrying you away and remaining at peace and happy. See my book, How to Find Inner Peace.
Then you will always be in a state of peace and happiness regardless what is happening around you. You will be in the hands of your true Buddha nature, your heart, be sustained by its love, and experience abundance and light, peace and equanimity, happiness and contentment, faith and strength.