When that is your frame of mind, you will not feel grateful for the good things in your life, past or present. You will certainly not feel grateful for being alive. You will not be able to experience the abundance in your life. You will not happy and content.
Even if you have a spiritual practice, if your mind is in control, you will not feel grateful (even if you are able to articulate what you are grateful for) and you will not experience the abundance in your life. So what does one do to change this unfortunate habit-energy that causes suffering and blocks joy?
As with most things we have as a spiritual goal, it necessitates freeing ourselves from the control of our mind, because when you are in that state, very little spiritual can be accomplished. Not an easy matter by any means, in fact very challenging. But it can be done and the path is clear. See my post, "How to Free Yourself from the Control of Your Mind."
Freeing yourself from the control of your mind is not a once and done thing, nor does it happen overnight. It is a long process and it develops incrementally. I have found that as with many things one has to name each aspect of the mind – each fear, perception, etc. – that one wants to be free of, that is not "you," in order for the process to work. A global cleansing doesn't work.
And the process has no end because you can't remove your mind; it will always be there, waiting in the wings for an opportunity to assert itself. That is why one must meditate every day as long as one draws breath.
But at some point in the process not only will you be free of the emotions and perceptions that are the cause of your suffering, but you will be able to honestly feel grateful, not just list the things your are grateful for. And you will be able to experience abundance.
Abundance. This is not a matter of having lots of money or things. Many people are incredibly wealthy but do not experience abundance because they are in the control of their mind, feel insecure, and so never feel they have enough. And so they don't experience abundance. '
Abundance is feeling that "your cup runneth over." Abundance is the feeling you have, whether rich or poor, when you are sustained by the love of Buddha/God/the universe within you. Because when you feel the presence of the divinity inside you, you are filled with light, love, faith, trust, compassion, gratitude, humility, joy, contentment, strength, courage, and wisdom.
Free of worries and concerns, observing all things through the neutrality of your senses, the equanimity of your third eye, you are not only aware of the love and light inside you, but you feel that abundance surrounds you. Because you are abundance, it has nothing to do with the things around you.
Whether you live in an urban center or in the country, you are aware of the wonders of nature – the sky, the sun, the moon, the stars. Your material surroundings, whether they are very modest or lavish, are experienced as abundance because you feel abundance. The feeling comes from within, of feeling in the presence of your divinity.
Imagine being able to look around you and see your surroundings as abundance rather than as lacking something that you want. That is the true state of peace and happiness.