However, I recently watched a video on being humble before God, and I realized that the pride I took in my accomplishments was not being humble before God or Buddha. Why is that? Because I know now that my Buddha nature, my divinity, was an active participant in everything good that I have created. In each case I was moved by my Buddha nature and was giving voice to its wisdom and humanity. My music, books, etc. were in fact joint projects. I could never have done those things were it not for the Buddha nature, the divinity, that was inside me, that is my substance, source, and supply.
I had known the truth for many years that the true Buddha nature was inside me. But I never viewed it as an active participant in my life; more a guider on how to live.
So for many years, although I realized everything good that has happened in my life has happened by happenstance, not because of my mind's effort, I was not able to add more to that realization. But since reading The Abundance Book, I have become aware of and acknowledged the presence of my Buddha nature, my divinity, within me as being the source of my supply, the source of my abundance.
And so I realized that this happenstance has been a function of my Buddha nature/my divinity/the universe; these things did not happen by accident. Even during the decades before I had any knowledge of or belief in the Buddha, I was being provided for. I know now that this is further proof of the constant presence of Buddha nature inside us all. (See my post, "Happenstance - Part II.)
And now most recently, I have come to understand that these forces are not just the source of my supply of abundance, but they are my substance. Everything good I have done has been a result of their influence, even when I was totally unaware of it.
And so I have humbled myself before my true Buddha nature and divinity. I no longer take unwarranted pride in my accomplishments.