While many people suffer from external attacks, we all suffer from attacks from our ego-mind; often they are combined. While the nature of the attacks are somewhat different … external psychic attacks seek to disable or weaken you; internal attacks ostensibly are supposed to show strength or protect you but in fact also weaken you and cause you suffering … they both come from a dark place and disable us by playing on our emotions, the habit-energies formed by our life experiences. If you’ve ever been or seen someone in the grip of fear or anger and experienced a melt-down, think about the similarities.
How you protect yourself from both sources of psychic attack is the same … you free yourself from the control of your ego-mind and instead go to your heart and be one with its positive energy of light and love. This sets up a virtual forcefield that protects you. You abide in your strength. Many videos talk about this as changing the level of your inner vibrations from low (in the control of emotions and self-doubt) to high (in touch with your heart’s light and love).
Neither of these steps is a simple one, by any means. It requires great discipline. But it is possible. I have written about this process in numerous posts. See “Changing Your Life by Changing the Direction of Your Energy Flow,” “The Heart’s Embrace,” “Why Is It So Hard to Be Free of Your Ego-Mind?”, “Not Me - Peeling Off the Layers of the Ego-Mind.”
What keeps people from following through with these steps. Everyone who walks the Buddhist path is doing so because he or she wants to end their suffering. But many want to have their cake and eat it to. They want to end their suffering and still hold on to most of their habit-energies, their desires, their perspectives. And that just isn’t possible, and so they never form the intent to truly and completely free themselves from the control of their ego-mind. And without that intent, one can only make limited progress.
The dysfunction of the world around us is great. Our ego-mind is very powerful and deeply-rooted. To walk the path in the face of these challenges requires great discipline.