One thing that I had been aware of previously was that there was a dynamic difference between the smiling toddler who I saw as the avatar of my true Buddha self and the image I had of my unborn Buddha nature, which I’m somewhat embarrassed to say came from Close Encounters of the Third Kind and E.T., (see my post, “Returning Home - Returning To Your True Buddha Nature”).
That image was serene and gentle. This was not your laughing Buddha. I was very aware when in my daily mantra recitation I return to my heart, to my unborn Buddha mind, and turn my will and my life over to its care, that this image of my unborn Buddha mind was very different from the image I had of my true Buddha self. It was confusing, but I would just let it pass.
Now of course I know why I sensed this difference. The smiling toddler was not the avatar of my true Buddha self. Rather, the new photo I found, showing me with a more serious mien, is the avatar of my true Buddha self, and it is gentle and serene. There is no more inner conflict. All is harmonious.
Joy is of course still part of my true Buddha self. It is just not its predominant nature. It's totality is light, love, faith, trust, compassion, humility, gratefulness, joy, contentment, strength, courage, and wisdom.