But recently I saw a video that gives a deeper meaning and sense to mirror time. Latoya Okela said that God spoke to her and said that if she could not find God at times, that she had but to look in a mirror. That if she looked into her eyes, she would see the divinity that is within her.
What a simple but effective practice to connect with the Buddha nature inside you. And especially at those times when you feel disconnected from your Buddha nature, for whatever reason. For example, because something is bothering you or because things are not going the way your mind wants them to go. And you, meaning your mind, blames your Buddha nature for deserting you, not helping you. Look at yourself in the mirror – look deep into your eyes, stay there for a few minutes, don't move and you will see your Buddha nature; it has not deserted you.
This examples requires two further comments. Regarding this tendency of many to blame Buddha or God when things don't go the way we want them to go (yes, Buddha is not a God, but many practitioners react to him as though he were), of course it is not the task of Buddha nature, or your divinity for that matter (see my post, "Buddhism and the Divine"), to make the world the way you want it to be, to make things happen. Its task is to provide you with the means of being at peace and happy regardless what is going on in your life and around you; to feel abundance at all times because you know you have everything you need inside yourself to be at peace and happy.
As for something bothering you and so you feel your Buddha nature is not there for you, here is the uncomfortable truth. The truth is that you have left your Buddha nature, not that it is not there for you. If you were one with your Buddha nature, whatever it is would not be bothering you. You would react to the situation with dispassion, knowing that that's just the way things are right now. But when you stray, when you are not connected, then your mind will react with its habit-energy and you will be bothered.