I realized recently that this teaching applies not just to specifics but to my whole frame of reference. In the past, when I have renounced or said, "Not me!" to elements of my ego-mind, my habit-energy, I have replaced them with specific values or attributes. And I have said that when I empty myself of myself I am one with the child of the universe that is me.
But that has not changed my total frame of reference; it sounds like it has, but it hasn't. Because my ego-mind actually takes possession of these actions and turns them into rote.
So if my intent is to end my suffering by freeing myself from the control of my ego-mind, I must not only reconnect with my heart, with that child of the universe, and its qualities, I must do two further things. First, I must actively follow through and implement those qualities, the most important of which is faith.
How do I implement faith? I have learned that faith is not implemented by thought, by analysis. Faith is implemented by action, changing your habit-energy from mind-focused to one based on faith. So for example, instead of in the back of my mind being concerned, at times obsessed, with challenges that lie before me in the real world, I rejoice in my true self and am happy, I sing and am happy, and I awake and am happy. That is action based on faith. Awake here means to be aware of all the wonderful things that the universe presents me with every moment.
Second I must make a choice. There is a difference between saying "I empty myself of myself and so am one with . . . " and saying "I choose to be one with . . . " To truly be able to rejoice, etc., not just say the words, and to have faith consistently, absolutely, requires that I make an active choice to be one with my heart, to be one with the child of the universe that is me. That is changing my total frame of reference. And then to see that child/avatar as my guide throughout the day, everyday. Just like the Israelites had the pillar of fire to guide them through the desert, so I have my child of the universe.
This is taking me from one place and putting me in another. This action replaces a habit-energy based on the fear of lack with a habit-energy that is filled with the light and abundance of faith. This is my new daily practice which I implement throughout the day.. And it is bringing about a significant difference in my mental state. I am grateful.