When I heard that I was immediately aware of the fact that I have never thought of myself as filled with greatness. Smart, yes. Intelligent, yes. Talented, yes. But not greatness. Even when I was in jobs or activities where my work was acknowledged as outstanding, even brilliant, while it massaged my ego, I never thought of myself as filled with greatness.
One of my first reactions to this message was, how do you reconcile the feeling of greatness within you with humility? I'm ashamed to say that I was thinking of greatness in ego terms. But when I realized that this greatness is spiritual, that it is an expression of the presence of God within me, the child of the universe that is me, there is no conflict because acknowledging that presence, saying "your will not my mind's," is itself an act of humility. See my post, "Humility - The Truth About "My" Good Accomplishments. "
Then last night, later in this same video, Latoya says you must seek the kingdom of God (she is a devout Christian). When I heard that, I realized that while I have sought to be one with the presence of god within me, or the child of the universe that is me, I have never sought to be part of the universe, which to me is the kingdom of god. And I understood that this is what I need to do.
When The Abundance Book talks about renouncing your humanhood and claiming your divine inheritance, I never knew what he meant by "renouncing your humanhood," but now I know. By seeking to dwell in the light of the universe, as a child of the universe, you must renounce your humanhood – the frame of reference for your life must totally change from your ego to the Buddha dharma or whatever spiritual system you follow.
And so as I go about my day today, I keep that image of the child of the universe before me, holding its hand, allowing it to guide me, filling me with light. I feel like I'm on vacation from my mind, entering a new phase of my life. If at some point I don't feel connected with that force, I need to ask myself, why, and redirect myself. This will be my task each day until my habit-energy has changed from being one with my ego-mind to being one with my child of the universe.