It is not that “I” need to love myself unconditionally. It is not that “I” need to have faith that all will be well regardless what life throws my way. It is not that “I” need to be present and grateful. It is not that “I” need to ward against the ego pulling me from my natural state by its fears and desires.
Instead, my daily task is to turn my will and my life over to the care of my true Buddha nature. If I do that, I am one with his unconditional love, with his faith, with his being present and grateful. And it is he who will say “no” to my ego-mind and just watch it subside.
The steps I outlined in the post still hold. That is how I turn my will and my life over to the care of my true Buddha nature each day. That is how I let go of the feelings and perceptions that are a product of my ego-mind. But the end result is not enabling “ME” to fulfill my daily tasks; it is to take the burden off me and allow my true Buddha nature to fulfill those tasks.