I recently learned of another practice, a realization, that adds considerable power to what I've been doing. And that practice is to say, "I am sustained by the love of Buddha nature within me." I should note this practice comes from a lesson in the Course in Miracles which I learned of while watching a spiritual video. Of course in that lesson, the statement refers to God, not Buddha nature.
Why are these words so powerful? Because it is one thing to say that you turn your will and your life over to your Buddha nature, or that you see things through the eyes of your Buddha self. Something quite different to say that you are sustained by the love of Buddha nature. In the one case you are "letting God." In the other you are deriving nourishment from God.
The two go hand in hand, but they are different. And as I've said so often in my writing, the words we use to express our spiritual thoughts make a big difference in their impact.
Because I have returned home to my true Buddha nature and am sustained by its love, I now experience abundance regardless what is happening to me, what my situation is, and therefore am at peace and happy.
And because I experienced its love, I experience no fear. This goes beyond the practice of saying, "Not me!" and seeing all things through the eyes of my true Buddha self which has no fear. This is having no fear because my basic need of nourishment (see "The Four Basic Needs") is constantly met by being sustained by the love of my Buddha nature.
I encourage everyone to adopt the following mantra as part of your practice: "I am sustained by the love of Buddha nature within me." Say it not once a day, not twice, but many times as you go through your day.